Fame | Matt Fitzpatrick net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How about Matt Fitzpatrick's colleg?

Matt Fitzpatrick Colleg: Northwestern University

How old is Matt Fitzpatrick? When is Matt Fitzpatrick's birthday? Where is Matt Fitzpatrick born? Where did Matt Fitzpatrick grow up from? What's Matt Fitzpatrick's age?

Matt Fitzpatrick Born: 1994 (age 29years), Sheffield, United Kingdom

How about Matt Fitzpatrick's parents?

Matt Fitzpatrick Parents: Russell Fitzpatrick, Susan Fitzpatrick

How about Matt Fitzpatrick's sibling?

Matt Fitzpatrick Sibling: Alex Fitzpatrick

How about Matt Fitzpatrick's nationality?

Matt Fitzpatrick Nationality: English

How tall is Matt Fitzpatrick in meters or centimeters?

Matt Fitzpatrick Height: 5 10

How about Matt Fitzpatrick's weight?

Matt Fitzpatrick Weight: 154lbs

Is Matt Fitzpatrick in a relationship?

As of May 2023, Matt Fitzpatrick's career earnings are $5,408,488. Matt Fitzpatrick has accumulated a total of $25,527,440 in career earnings, which include $19,417,440 from official tournaments, $214,000 from unofficial tournaments, and $5,000,000 from the Player Index Program.

What is Matt Fitzpatrick's net worth?

As of May 2023, Matt Fitzpatrick's career earnings are $5,408,488. Matt Fitzpatrick has accumulated a total of $25,527,440 in career earnings, which include $19,417,440 from official tournaments, $214,000 from unofficial tournaments, and $5,000,000 from the Player Index Program.

Are Matt Fitzpatrick's parents Irish?

As of May 2023, Matt Fitzpatrick's career earnings are $5,408,488. Matt Fitzpatrick has accumulated a total of $25,527,440 in career earnings, which include $19,417,440 from official tournaments, $214,000 from unofficial tournaments, and $5,000,000 from the Player Index Program.

What is Matt Fitzpatrick career earnings?

As of May 2023, Matt Fitzpatrick's career earnings are $5,408,488. Matt Fitzpatrick has accumulated a total of $25,527,440 in career earnings, which include $19,417,440 from official tournaments, $214,000 from unofficial tournaments, and $5,000,000 from the Player Index Program.
