The entire Relief Society general presidency will be among the keynote presenters during BYU Women’s Conference, being held May 3-5 on the campus of Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah.
Sister J. Anette Dennis, first counselor in the Relief Society general presidency, and Sister Kristin M. Yee, second counselor in the Relief Society general presidency, will speak Wednesday evening, May 3. Irene Caso, media relations manager for the Church Communication Department, will speak Thursday morning, May 4.
Sheri Dew, executive vice president and chief content officer for Deseret Management Corp., will speak Friday morning, May 5. And President Camille N. Johnson, Relief Society general president, will give the keynote presentation on Friday afternoon, May 5.
BYU Women’s Conference made the announcement on its Facebook page Wednesday, March 15.
BYU Women’s Conference took a one-year pause in 2022. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conferences in spring 2020 and 2021 were held virtually rather than in person.
In September 2022, BYU Women’s Conference announced that the 2023 conference would be back and held in person, on the campus of Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah.
Jennefer Johnson, the program administrator for BYU Women’s Conference, told the Church News that her team was thrilled with the response on social media. “We are so excited with the response from the sisters, realizing that they’re excited to return to campus and come back to women’s conference,” she said.
“We want them to know that our focus will still be on building testimonies of the gospel and keeping our focus on our Savior and the love that Heavenly Father has for his daughters. ...
“We love gathering together, building friendships and strengthening our family relationships. We’re so happy to be back with the sisters on campus.”
The 2023 event has some new components, including adding a Wednesday evening add-on to make the event a little longer for those who wish to attend.
As of now, the BYU Women’s Conference website lists the following schedule, with more information to come:
Wednesday, May 3
6-9 p.m. (Marriott Center sessions)
Thursday, May 4
9 a.m.-4 p.m. (sessions)
4:30-7:30 p.m. (Evening of Service)
8-9:30 p.m. (Deseret Book/Shadow Mountain Concert)
Friday, May 5
9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (sessions)
During the event, more than 150 presenters will speak about a variety of topics, including womanhood and sisterhood, gospel principles, marriage, family, and practical and timely topics of interest and concern to women of all ages, said the website.
BYU Women’s Conference is one of the largest gatherings of Latter-day Saint women in the world, and has been bringing women together since 1976.
The conference draws more than 12,000 attendees each year. Since its beginning, more than 1 million service projects have been completed.
The event can be a time to gather with other women of faith, develop friendships, learn from the speakers and participate in service, said the website. Conference content is planned for those who are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; however, those of all faiths are welcome to attend.
Traditionally co-sponsored by the Relief Society organization, BYU Women’s Conference is now a BYU program coordinated by Continuing Education, like BYU Education Week.