Edge has been so popular and successful. If you are among the people searching for Edge Net Worth, then here is the information. Edge net worth is estimated at $14 Million.
Name | Edge |
Profession | Canadian professional wrestler |
Date of Birth | 30 October 1973 |
Age | 49 years old |
Height | 6 Feet 2 Inches |
Net Worth | $14 Million |
Edge’s biography includes all his basic info such as Name, age, Canadian Professional Wrestler, net worth, height, weight, parents etc. Check out the table and know in detail about Edge.
Edge is 49 years old as per our latest research. He was born on 30 October 1973. From the given section we have found out the age of 49 years. Now let's quickly head further into the article to know what is the religion of Edge and other details like Parents, Ethnicity, Nationality, Height and Weight.
Edge’s Height and Weight is 6 Feet 2 Inches and 98 Kg (216 lbs) as per our latest research. He has a decent height and along with their physical measurements we have also provided their Edgeal details such as kids, career, home and assets.
Edge’s Ethnicity is White as per our latest research. An ethnic group is a social group that shares a distinct culture, religion and language along with different characteristics, background and association. So as per sources, Edge’s Ethnicity is White.
Edge’s Nationality is Canadian as per our latest research. Nationality is a legal identification of a Edge in international law as it establishes the Edge as a national of a sovereign state. So as per our latest research , Edge’s nationality is Canadian.
Edge’s parents is Judy Copeland as per our latest research. Apart from knowing about their favourite celebrity, fans also get curious to know about their parents. So Edge is the son of Judy Copeland.
Edge is known as a Canadian professional wrestler. Edge was born on 30 October 1973 and presently Edge is 49 years old.
2. What is Edge Net Worth?Edge is a Canadian professional wrestler who has a net worth of $14 Million. Edge was born on 30 October 1973.
3. What is Edge's weight?Edge the successful Canadian professional wrestler weighs 98 Kg (216 lbs). Get to know more about Edge from the above article.
4. How tall is Edge?Edge is a Canadian professional wrestler who stands 6 Feet 2 Inches tall.
5. How old is Edge?Edge was born on 30 October 1973. Edge is 49 years old.